Leasing Benefits

♦♦ No cash at one time has to be paid, and capital can be applied freely ♦♦

Having a lease helps to apply capital freely; usually capital is used to purchase machines and vehicles for production and its amount can be as high as the investment; sometimes capital return could even take ten years.

♦♦ No increase in capital; the loan amount will not be influenced ♦♦

If capital can be applied freely, no related increase is needed and it will not influence the loan amount. Multiple sources of capital help to reduce the financial cost and increase the upmost profits.

♦♦ The operation condition is better than the banking institution with the lease company; capital can be easily acquired and it reduces the load of the enterprise ♦♦

When asking for loan, collateral is required; the higher the value, the more the loan. It also relies on the relationships with the banking institutions. If it is a lease, no risk evaluation has to be foreseen and no collateral is needed at all. Almost 100% of discount can be achieved.

♦♦ Monthly regular pay, easy to handle accounting matters ♦♦

Enterprise pays monthly fee till the lease termination, which helps to control the budget and accurately evaluate performance. Accounting matters will become easy; while paying a fixed fee, no inflation has to be faced.

♦♦ By paying rent, the ownership can be easily acquired ♦♦

Complication or time consumption may occur in the process of acquiring vehicles or equipment due to lack of experience; the professional lease company can help the enterprise to easily get ownership of vehicles or equipment.

♦♦ Problems of auto management can be fully solved and the core business well developed ♦♦

The professional lease company is responsible for auto maintenance and repair; therefore the timing of maintenance can be fully mastered and safe driving affirmed. No additional personnel is required for auto management so that personnel cost will be reduced and the core business well developed.